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Abstract Submission Details

Abstracts will be collected through the online system.

Participants who wish to submit oral or poster presentations must submit their abstracts through the abstract submission module on the website no later than March 01, 2025.

Abstract Submission Guidelines
  • The abstract language is Turkish.
  • Abstracts must include the subheadings: "Objective, Materials-Methods, Results-Conclusion." Case reports should include "Objective, Case, Conclusion."
  • Academic titles should not be used. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words.
  • The title should clearly reflect the content of the study and must not exceed 10 words.
  • Each word in the abstract title should start with a capital letter (except for abbreviations).
  • Abstract texts are collected online via the abstract submission system. Submissions via email or other methods will not be accepted.
  • Registered abstracts in the system can be edited until the final submission deadline, but no changes can be made after submission.
  • Since abstracts submitted through the online module will be published as they are, attention should be paid to spelling and grammar. Authors are responsible for all errors.
  • The presenter must register for the congress and attend to present the abstract.
Evaluation of Abstracts
  • Submitted abstracts will be reviewed after the final submission deadline, and they will either be accepted or rejected based on the evaluation.
  • The evaluation will be conducted online by the Abstract Review Committee, with the authors' names and institutions kept confidential. The results of the evaluation will be sent to all authors as a formal notification.
Digital Poster Technical Specifications
  • Posters should be submitted after receiving the abstract acceptance letter.
  • They must be prepared in a 3:4 vertical format as a PDF or JPEG file.
  • The resolution should be high, with a minimum size of 1536 (width) x 2048 (height) pixels.
  • Text on the digital e-poster should be as large and legible as possible. The recommended font is Arial, with a size between 12 - 22 points.
  • If the content does not fit on a single page, a second page with the same dimensions can be created. Images and tables must be of high quality. However, it is recommended to prepare the e-poster as a single-page document.
  • Authors experiencing resolution issues with JPEG format may alternatively submit their work as a PPT or PPTX file.
  • JPEG or presentation files should be sent to elif.gogdas@burkon.com by March 21, 2025.
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